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Title Crane Mounted Truck Operator
Company Bank of Abyssinia
Requirnment Education: 12th/10th Grade Complete; and Fourth level or Truck II Driving License or above. Diploma/Certificate in Auto Mechanic is advantageous. Experience: Minimum of 5 years Driving experience, of which 3 years as a Crane Mounted Track Operator/Driver. Experience in banking industry is advantageous. Required Work Experience:  5 Place of Work: Addis Ababa
Experiance required (years) 5
How to apply Apply Before 05/26/2023, 05:00 PM We would like to inform you that you can get detailed information about the requirements and apply for the positions by logging into the bank’s career site SHARE THIS JOB
Place of work Addis Ababa
Employment type Full Time
Phone number
Apply before Friday, May 26, 2023
Compensation As per Company Scale
Post date Friday, May 26, 2023
Quick Apply not applicable
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